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Showing posts from December, 2006

Covering your tracks -- more or less

As Atrios points out , Judge Robert H. Dierker uses the term "femifascist" to disguise where his thinking comes from . I'm of course reminded of Alan Dershowitz, who did just the opposite : he thought he was quoting Orwell but was really quoting his real source, the discredited Joan Peters. (Strikingly, both authors choose words -- femifascist and turnspeak -- which are clearly uglier than the original feminazi and newspeak . Not to defend the term feminazi , but at least it's memorable. )

Iraq: U.S. military fatalities surpass 9/11

When 1000 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq, we remembered . When 2000 died, we remembered . Now, on Christmas Day 2006, another milestone has been reached: the number of U.S. military casualties has passed 2973, the number of deaths caused by the combined attacks of September 11, 2001. By two. This is the real connection between 9/11 and Iraq: Death. Of course, President Bush saw other connections: the lesson of September 11 , he said, prompted him to attack Iraq. And many Americans were convinced: especially, it was found , those who watched Fox News. Too many Americans either thought Iraq operated with al-Qaeda, or thought Iraq itself was behind the attacks -- all evidence to the contrary. Perhaps a lot of people felt, like the Washington Post 's Richard Cohen , that violence could be "therapeutic." In many respects, of course, this milestone was reached long ago. In terms of total destruction and loss of human life, Iraq surpassed the 9/11 attacks almost from the b...


The number of U.S. soldiers lost in Iraq, as of today . In just a few more days eighteen more will have died, at which point the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq will match the total who died as a result of the September 11 attacks. I blogged about this in October, and it's playing out on its own grim schedule.

Fear of a Black Candidate: Obamaphobia

Reading among the far-right blogosophere, you're always in danger of getting burned by the stupid. Example: Pam Atlas is deeply concerned about Barack Obama's middle name (WARNING: ugliest blog in the known universe). Right. She links to a crazy column by by Judi McCleod, which she calls a "must read." It is, of course, if "must read" means Hey, look how far off the rails the wingnuts can go and still write something that looks like English! Among the baseless accusations (did he go to a madrassa? will he embrace Islam in the White House?), she doesn't quite say (as others have suggested ) that Barack is the anti-Christ. But she does make the following ominous observation: Obama went to Occidental college, whose motto is "West is nearest to the East". Occidental College has a historic connection to the Summer Institute of Linguistics (now known as SIL International.) Associated with the Rockefellers, SIL has something going on i...

Bush: Terrorists don't believe in God

As though seeking the worst possible setting to make the stupidest possible comments, President Bush decided to turn a menorah-lighting ceremony into an impromptu seminar about Iran . (Thanks to Josh Marshall for the link.) President Bush and his Cabinet have seized upon the Maccabean message of refusing to give in to tyranny to reinforce Bush’s refusal to deal with Iran as a means of resolving Iraq’s burgeoning crisis. In at least one closed meeting, Bush made the connection explicitly. Clash of civilizations, anyone? You'll need to sign in to JTA (free) in order to read the whole article, entitled "Bush appropriates Chanukah moral in depicting current threat from Iran." Because what could be better in dealing with Iran than to compare Iranians with ancient enemies of the Jews? “After Jerusalem was conquered by an oppressive king and the Jews lost their right to worship in freedom, Judah Maccabee and his followers courageously set out to reclaim Jerusalem from fore...

Best Poetry of 2006 -- Thomas Kinsella

The National Book Critics Circle blog has a post about the best poetry books of 2006. And there are some great books there: Frederick Seidel's Ooga-Booga (certainly the best title, and a superb and disturbing poet for sure -- check out the readings on his web site ), Deborah Bernhardt's Echolalia , Name Withheld by Lisa Sewell . I'm definitely going to get some of the books I haven't read yet. But Thomas Kinsella's Collected Poems (Wake Forest University Press) -- the definitive collection of Ireland's greatest poet since Yeats -- gets no notice. As usual. Perhaps the problem is that this was published across the pond by Carcanet a few years ago. But the Wake Forest edition is not only better designed, it corrects errors in the Carcanet and it's published here. By the only American publisher dedicated to contemporary Irish poetry. Seriously, what is the matter with these people? Paul Muldoon's great, fine, ya ya ya (actually I think that's a ...

The greatness of Jimmy Carter

Oh, you've got to love this: Jimmy Carter refuses to debate with Alan Dershowitz. I don't blame him -- the whole thing seems like a setup, and even though Norman Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky have crushed Dershowitz in the past, the man is a professional lia lawyer. But it's Carter's reasoning that really makes me happy. From the Boston Globe : "I don't want to have a conversation even indirectly with Dershowitz," Carter said. "There is no need to for me to debate somebody who, in my opinion, knows nothing about the situation in Palestine." Get that? Dershowitz knows nothing about the situation in Palestine . This is obvious if one reads either Dershowitz's The Case for Israel or his later The Case for Peace , both of which use blanket statements condemning Palestinian behavior but show no evidence of subtlety, much less of an attempt to understand the people or a concern with the actual victims of Israeli policies. Dershowitz, of cour...

Bush did this to me

So today I Google-newsed my favorite possible '08 candidate (run, Wes, run!) and stumbled across an interesting article from the New York Observer . "The Life and Death of an Iraq Plan" is about the rise and fall of explicitly endorsing partition, federal autonomy, or what is sometimes called "kinder, gentler ethnic cleansing" in Iraq. Too much attention is paid to Joe Biden, as usual, and then Wes Clark is interviewed about why he doesn't support the idea: Wesley Clark, the retired general who is also mulling a presidential bid also told me that while partitioning may eventually occur, or already be happening, in Iraq, it could never be official United States policy. The problem, he said, is that Iraqis forced to move out from their homes or from the more mixed urban areas like Baghdad or Kirkuk to the strongholds of their respective ethnic or religious group will associate their displacement with the United States. Clark said that feeling will breed eve...

Those must have been some kick-ass speakers

Derrick Shareef of Illinois was arrested Wednesday and charged with "one count of attempting to damage or destroy a building by fire or explosion and one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction." He made made a court appearance today in Chicago. The prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald (no, not that one !) said that the public was never in any danger because Shareef has been under surveillance for some time, after confessing to an acquaintance that he wanted to take up jihading. Here's what I don't understand: Shareef was arrested Wednesday by the Chicago Joint Terrorism Task Force after he met an undercover agent in the mall parking lot and traded a set of stereo speakers for four hand grenades and a hand gun, according to charges. Two questions: What the hell kind of stereo system does that guy have? Since when are grenades weapons of mass destruction?

Working on the chain gang

To commemorate my last week, a poem by Theodore Roethke : Dolor I have known the inexorable sadness of pencils, Neat in their boxes, dolor of pad and paper-weight, All the misery of manila folders and mucilage, Desolation in immaculate public places, Lonely reception room, lavatory, switchboard, The unalterable pathos of basin and pitcher, Ritual of multigraph, paper-clip, comma, Endless duplication of lives and objects. And I have seen dust from the walls of institutions, Finer than flour, alive, more dangerous than silica, Sift, almost invisible, through long afternoons of tedium, Dropping a fine film on nails and delicate eyebrows, Glazing the pale hair, the duplicate grey standard faces. Not one of Roethke's very best poems, but good enough. And there's someone else I'm thinking of. You know who you are.

The sestina of our times

What do you do when you find out you've been identified by name in a pretty good sestina about John Ashbery? Thanks to Jeremy, by the way, for posting this on a couple of his blogs from some class or other he's teaching in Nanjing. (Nanjing!) Everybody should get a Google Alert for their own name.

The epitome of suck

Atrios links with a snarky comment to a terrible Nickelback video , and like a fool, I took the bait. Obviously, since it's Nickelback, it (a) sucks, and (b) is the same as every other Nickelback song. But in the video it manages to climb the Parnassus of suck. I thought it topped out when the chick in the bed turns on the remote and sees her FWB firefighter on the TV -- because what's better than a music video about someone watching TV? But then it reaches further sucky heights when the firefighter dude gets hit by a tree and the camera cuts back, not to weepygirl with the remote, but to the band playing their sucky song complete with atrocious stadium light-sweeps. I swear to god, there hasn't been a growly man-pop band this pretentious since Creed. Atrios is reminded of Beavis and Butthead, but I get possessed by the spirit of my grandfather: These young people today. They never cut their hair. And their music --- just noise. Seriously, I'm going to play s...