Atrios links with a snarky comment to a terrible Nickelback video, and like a fool, I took the bait. Obviously, since it's Nickelback, it (a) sucks, and (b) is the same as every other Nickelback song. But in the video it manages to climb the Parnassus of suck. I thought it topped out when the chick in the bed turns on the remote and sees her FWB firefighter on the TV -- because what's better than a music video about someone watching TV? But then it reaches further sucky heights when the firefighter dude gets hit by a tree and the camera cuts back, not to weepygirl with the remote, but to the band playing their sucky song complete with atrocious stadium light-sweeps. I swear to god, there hasn't been a growly man-pop band this pretentious since Creed. Atrios is reminded of Beavis and Butthead, but I get possessed by the spirit of my grandfather: These young people today. They never cut their hair. And their music --- just noise. Seriously, I'm going to play some Clash now.
Welcome, Uncommon Descent members ! For the record, I don't ban users or arguments (I will delete threats and suchlike.) As long as you're here, you might check out the reality behind ICON-RIDS (if you haven't heard about this before). A letter to GilDodgen, responding to this : I, Hermagoras, am banned at Uncommon Descent but apparently still discussion-worthy. Indeed, a whole post devoted to refuting someone (me) who is not allowed to respond. You guys are certainly committed to fair debate! I was trying to make a fairly simple point, which I would have thought IDers agree with: that all observations and all "facts" are theory-laden. It's simple enough. I elaborated it in a post which Dembski apparently thought was off-topic and led him [to] ban me in precisely the terms I previously discussed on my blog . Hilarious. Then continued discussion (again I can't respond) about how I'm trying to be the clever one . Nothing in my banned posts ...